Foundation Repair
By Henry Biza
Residential Foundation Repair
Are you experiencing cracks in your walls, sloping floors, or doors and windows that are difficult to open and close? We regularly work with home owners to stabilize their failing foundations and repair many of the side effects. Call us today for a free home inspection and quote. A trained and certified foundation specialist will come to your home and perform all the tests necessary to provide you with a free foundation repair quote. Our patented Ram Jack foundation repair solution gives Florida home owners peace of mind.
Commercial Foundation Repair
Whether you have a new construction project, or own an existing commercial structure, your property can benefit from Ram Jack's patented foundation stabilization process. Our process literally secures the footing to load bearing strata. Ensure the stability of your commercial project and set your property apart from the competition.
New Construction (Residential or Commercial)
Increase the value of your new home or building by installing pre-construction piers. Pre-construction piers are easy and cost-effective to install and prevent downward settlement or heaving before it starts. Each pier is load tested during installation and the capacity is accurately measured using installation torque. The field work for a typical house can be done in 1-2 days and piers can be installed under any weather condition.
All Florida Ram Jack highly recommends that you have a Geotechnical Engineering report completed for your new building site. It is well worth the investment and we can provide you a list of Geotechnical Engineers to meet your needs.
About the Author
 | Henry Biza, RamJack 16646 Scheer Blvd. Hudson, FL 34667 727-776-8189
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