What’s the Cause of the Gap Between the Wall and Floor?
By Jesse Waltz
If you've noticed gaps between the wall and floor, where your quarter round molding should be, then chances are good that your home is experiencing foundation settlement.
What causes foundation settlement? Your foundation settles when the soil your home is built upon changes or moves. The soil can move, shrink or swell when the water content changes (i.e. rain or drought).
Think of the soil like a sponge.
It Expands When Wet Rain, snow and other wet conditions can create a problem. When wet, the sponge expands and becomes soft. The same happens to the soil. The wet soil pushes against your foundation, forcing the walls in, creating foundation problems.
It Shrinks When Dry When dry, the sponge contracts. During the hot summer months or a drought, the soil your home sits on will dry out. As water evaporates, the soil starts to shrink, pulling away from your foundation. The newly created space next to your foundation means that your home can now move and settle.
How do you fix this? If you don't care about your home's structure, you can just cover up the gap with quarter round. But the structural problem will still be there.
You wouldn't just cover up a cavity without filling it, right? The same goes for your foundation.
Your best course of action is to call a foundation repair expert to ensure that your home is properly repaired.
About the Author
 | Jesse Waltz, JES Foundation Repair 569 Central Dr Virginia Beach, VA 23454 866-370-4816
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